TSSEC offers a choice of generator service package
Planned Generator Maintenance Packages:-
Service and maintenance of diesel generators is key to backup power reliability. A well-planned maintenance programme is essential to the operation of any emergency power generation system. As there is no such thing as a ‘maintenance free’ power supply system, all diesel generators need to be serviced regularly to ensure that they are operating efficiently and that their start-up batteries are in good working order. Weak or undercharged starting batteries are one of the most common causes of standby power system failures. Even when kept fully charged and maintained, lead-acid starting batteries are subject to deterioration over time and must be replaced periodically when they no longer hold a proper charge. Only a regular schedule of inspection and testing under load can prevent diesel generator starting problems. A proven track record of generator maintenance for complete reliability in the provision of standby power generation has led TSSECC long association with clients in industries where emergency power supplies are a vital lifeline.
Contract Maintenance Packages:-
We offer a range of generator maintenance and servicing contracts to suit every customer requirement from simple repair through to 24 hour 365 days a year service contracts with guaranteed response times to site. All our generator service and maintenance contracts are backed up by our 24-hour call out and support team.
We offer: – 24 hour coverage nationwide Guaranteed fast response times Service of all major diesel engine brands.